The Different Facets of Code

Amanda Rush
3 min readMay 24, 2021

1. How do you describe the feeling of Imposter Syndrome? When does it affect you the most? Why?

Imposter Syndrome is when you feel like you aren’t qualified or don’t deserve to be in the position you are in. I have definitely had this feeling several times. Usually it strikes when I am working on something difficult and running against a deadline. I start to feel like I’m in over my head and I question whether I should even be doing development in the first place. Once I figure out a solution to the problem I am working on I usually start to feel a little better.

2. What have you learned about the tech world that you are happy to know?

The tech world is so interesting. There are so many extremely smart and talented people who are working toward making everyday life better, more efficient and more interesting. I can see things moving forward and new technologies taking shape. It’s a very exciting time and gives me a lot of hope and things to look forward to in the future.

3. Why is the way we talk to ourselves in our inner mind so important? What effect can it have on our well-being?

The way we feel about ourselves and our capabilities can definitely play a part in our well-being. If we have negative feelings it can cause stress and anxiety. It makes it difficult to be creative and think through problems in new ways. When we are positive and confident we are happier and more willing to try new things. This opens us up to growing as a person and in our work. We feel more fulfilled and happier in general.

4. What about this course is challenging you the most? How do you think you are growing through it?

Everything I have learned up until this course was self taught from various different sources. A lot of what I learned was good, but some of it could use adjustments to be sure I am following best practices. So far for me the most challenging part of this course has been figuring out which things need adjustment and then re-learning how to do them the right way. After you have done something for a long period of time it gets difficult to re-learn it the right way and not go back to what you are used to.

5. How has podcast listening influenced the way you think?

I haven’t really started listening to podcasts yet. That is something I need to find some time for. I have seen a few that look like they would be interesting.

6. What has your spare time looked like in-comparison to what it looked like a year ago?

A year ago I definitely had a lot more spare time. I was still working full time but all of my evenings and weekends were free. Right now, most of that time is dedicated to code. I try to make time to go to the gym for an hour at least once or twice a week. On the weekends I usually spend a few hours a day working on code and then try to give myself a few hours of free time. I am definitely very busy but I am learning a lot and enjoying this class.

