Class 12

Amanda Rush
2 min readOct 11, 2021

1. What’s the difference between operational and programmer errors?

Operational errors are errors that aren’t really bugs. They are problems that can occur within correctly written code such as not being able to connect to a database, invalid input from a user or runtime errors. Programmer errors are bugs that were created by the programmer such as passing the wrong datatype where a different type is expected or spelling a value incorrectly.

2. What is ‘event-driven’ programming?

Event-driven programming is a programming paradigm where the execution of the program is determined by user events such as mouse clicks or key presses.

3. What are ‘worker processes’?

Worker processes handle web requests sent to an IIS Server (Internet Information Services) for a specific application pool.

4. Describe how Node.js can be made more scalable.

You can clone your application where each cloned instance can handle processing a piece of the app using the built in Cluster module. You can use decomposing which means having multiple applications with different code bases. This is related to Microservices. You can also split up your application where each instance is responsible for part of the applications data.

5. Explain global installation of dependencies.

Installing dependencies globally means that they will be available to any project without needing to reinstall them for each project. It allows the tool to be used anywhere on your local computer.

6. Explain RESTful Web Service.

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architecture based on Web Services and it is a scalable and maintainable way to create API’s. It uses CRUD routes to exchange and manipulate data.

