Class 4

Amanda Rush
2 min readSep 13, 2021

1. What do you find challenging about coding?

I think the most challenging thing about coding is knowing if what you are doing is the right way to do it. In a lot of instances, you can come up with answers but if you don’t know enough about what the long term effects could be, you might not come up with a solution that will last. It’s also tough to make sure that you account for everything that can affect the results of your code.

2. Talk about a project that disappointed you. What would you change?

3. List three key things to consider when coding with SEO in mind.

Write a good title tag which should be descriptive of what your site is trying to accomplish. If you are trying to target a specific audience, the title tag should be aimed at describing how your site does that. It should include target keywords, and be concise. This is the title users will see when the site is listed in search engine results.

Write a good meta description. Again this is shown as the description when a user views the results from the search engine. It needs to be under 160 characters otherwise the search engine will cut the description down to that.

Optimize your images. You can compress them down so they take less time to load. You should also always include alternate text for your images. That way if they don’t load for some reason, the alternate text will show up. It should describe what your image shows. You can also use lazy loading so the rest of the page doesn’t need to wait for the images to finish loading.

4. List five or more ways you could optimize a website to be as efficient and scalable as possible.

You can optimize your images which will help them load faster. You can reduce HTTP requests by reducing the number of dependencies you have. You can minify your CSS and Javascript code so it’s not loading unnecessary characters. You can use CDN’s where possible. Avoid redirects whenever you can.

